What our customers say

SD Worx provides a complete service in the field of payrolls, HR, taxation and social security legislation. Combined into one integrated package or separate components.
For SD WORX, Companyweb ensures an XML integration of the data of all its customers. Thanks to this integration, the database of SD WORX is up to date 24/24!

THE PIATC is a public institution formed to regulate the protection of the professional title and the exercise of accountancy and tax professions.
Its work includes:
- supervision of training
- the provision of a permanent organisation of a body of specialists competent to perform accounting and tax activities with all the required guarantees of competence, independence and professional integrity.
- The PIATC ensures that the work entrusted to its members is done properly.
Companyweb is the certified supplier of the professional institute of accredited accountants and tax consultants, a guarantee of quality.
Companyweb is an extremely user-friendly database that contains a mine of financial information on all Belgian companies. Professional practitioners can use this "tool" to monitor their clients even better and to guide them in their strategic and financial decisions.
This database offers a number of specific possibilities that will be expanded even further in the future. A few examples: a comparison of a company and three of its competitors, a package for an extensive financial analysis on the basis of the "Manual for the Financial Analysis of Companies" by Hubert Ooghe and Charles Van Wymeersch. Another unique application is the system of ‘warnings’ that indicate an increased risk of bankruptcy. In addition, its is of course possible to consult the deposited annual accounts of a company compared to the last three years.
Geert Lenaerts

The Institute of Accountants and Tax Consultants is a public professional organisation for accountants and tax consultants, formed by the Act of 22 April 1999 on accounting and tax professions.
The Institute supervises the training and ensures the permanent organisation of a body of specialists. It will also monitor and adjust the organisation, with all the required guarantees of competence, independence and professional integrity. Finally, the Institute ensures that the work entrusted to its members is done properly.
Companyweb is the certified supplier of the institute of accountants and tax consultants, a guarantee of quality

BASE (KPN Group Belgium)
Mobile telephony and internet
When it comes to Credit Policy, the basis is information that is correct and up to date. Since 2007, Base has used the data of Companyweb for the active credit management of its customers.

Alken Maes is a brewery group with a range of around 30 beers on the Belgian market.
Creditworthy customers are the key to successful business in the long term in the hotel and catering sector. Thanks to Companyweb, at Alken Maes we know how healthy or unhealthy the customers are and prompt action can be taken to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Lyfra nv is one of the largest Belgian wholesale companies and for more than 40 years has been active in the domestic market for smoking products, confectionery, drinks and telephone cards.
As a wholesaler, doing business with creditworthy customers is a crucial element for Lyfra. Thanks to Companyweb, Lyfra can check the creditworthiness of its customers day after day. Moroever, all customers are placed in follow-up so that Lyfra is kept informed of important changes in this creditworthiness.
The Companyweb monitoring service is fantastic, we are informed completely automatically of every change to our customers. An end to reacting to events after the fact.
Chris Covens

Westlease is a specialist in long term car rentals.
If like Westlease you invest in vehicles that are rented by customers day after day, close monitoring of your payments is essential.
Companyweb ensured that Westlease has a continuous updated view of this through complete integration in Westlease’s own software.
Companyweb was the only supplier that enabled the complete integration of their financial information in our own platform. Since then our analyses have been much more targeted. For us it was very important to be informed of a bankruptcy as quickly as possible. Thanks to Companyweb we are informed the day after the judgement.